Asset Based Finance in Germany and TSI - the two are closely linked. True Sale International GmbH (TSI) emerged in 2004 from a banking initiative in Germany to promote the German securitisation market. Today, TSI's topics go well beyond this and cover broad areas of the asset-based finance market. However, the securitisation business remains the core of our activities.
In accordance with its founding mission, TSI's original objective was to give banks in Germany the opportunity to securitise their own loans under German law and on the basis of a standardised procedure agreed with all market participants, and to create a brand for German quality securitisations. After all, securitisations are an excellent fit for the predominantly bank-based corporate financing system in Germany with its broad SME sector.
The ‘DEUTSCHE VERBRIEFUNGSSTANDARD’ (German Securitisation Standard) has set standards for transparency, investor information, exclusion of originate-to-distribute structures (OTD) as well as loan origination and processing standards and was a forerunner of today's Europe-wide STS standard.
With events that attract more than 1,000 participants annually, our website and our public relations work, we shape the German market for securitisation and covered finance. We always look to expand our horizons and cover current trends for the market such as blockchain, lending platforms and the impact of digitalisation as well as changes in the financial and real economic environment.
True Sale International GmbH
Mainzer Landstraße 61
60329 Frankfurt am Main
Tel:+49 69 2992 170
Managing Director
Jan-Peter Hülbert