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Timo Menzel verantwortet als Senior Business Development Manager die kontinuierliche und strategische Weiterentwicklung des Asset Based Funding Lösungsportfolios bei BearingPoint. Zu seinen Kernaufgaben zählen die Marktanalyse, das Erschließen neuer Geschäftsmöglichkeiten sowie das Key Account Management. Er vertritt BearingPoint auf Branchenveranstaltungen, Konferenzen und Networking-Events. Timo Menzel verfügt über Erfahrung und Expertise aus über 25 Jahren in verschiedenen Funktionen im Structured Credit und Verbriefungsmarkt. So war er u.a. Geschäftsführer der TXS GmbH und verantwortete dort die TXS Securitization Services. Als Group Treasurer der IKB Leasing GmbH war er u.a mit der Etablierung des Unternehmens als Emittent am Kapitalmarkt beauftragt. Im Rahmen seiner Tätigkeiten bei der IKB Deutsche Industriebank AG, Commerzbank AG sowie bei der LBBW hat er zahllose Transaktionen in verschiedensten Formaten (ABS, ABCP, SRT) akquiriert, strukturiert oder auch als Investor analysiert. Timo Menzel ist Betriebswirt und hat in Deutschland, Großbritannien sowie den USA studiert.
About BearingPoint
BearingPoint is an independent management and technology consultancy with European roots and a global reach. The company operates in three business units: Consulting, Products, and Capital. Consulting covers the advisory business with a clear focus on selected business areas. Products provides IP-driven digital assets and managed services for business-critical processes. Capital delivers M&A and transaction services.
BearingPoint’s clients include many of the world’s leading companies and organizations. The firm has a global consulting network with more than 10,000 people and supports clients in over 70 countries, engaging with them to achieve measurable and sustainable success.
Description of services
- For more than two decades, financial institutions, leasing companies and corporates rely on BearingPoint for its services and solutions when it comes to plan, execute and maintain their securitization transactions.
We minimize your involvement by automizing the core processes of your transaction. With our strong customer base, our dedicated securitization experts, and the steady enhancement of our services and applications (e.g., ESMA Reporting, APIs for Credit Insurance Companies, comprehensive, flexible Power BI Reporting capabilities), BearingPoint is an excellent partner to service your today's and future securitization transactions – daily, weekly or monthly. - Enable an efficient Securitization Administration Process through our Agile Patform.
Asset-Backed Securities are an attractive refinancing product for corporates, leasing firms and financial institutions. The number of total transactions increases consistently. However, to stay on top of the figures and reports to be provided to the different stakeholders, becomes more and more some kind of a challenge making a lean administration and reporting process indispensable. Furthermore, new regulatory requirements and standardized IT processes will put an end to the existing Excel reporting as you may know it today. - BearingPoint as a leading provider of solutions and services to the European securitization markets offers the expertise, products and solutions to overcome such shortfalls thereby enabling our clients to fully materialise the beneficial potential of a transaction through increased efficiency, full automation and flawless data management.