TSI Partners

caplantic GmbH

Adenauerallee 10
30175 Hannover

Tel: +49 511 9999 3100
E-mail : service@caplantic.com




We are here for you

Oliver Bartholomäus
Chief Executive Officer
Caplantic GmbH
Oliver ist seit 2015 zuständig für die Ausplatzierung von Spezialfinanzierungen der NORD/LB an institutionelle Kapitalanlagekunden und Banken. Mit seinen Teams in Hannover, London, New York und Singapur kann er global institutionellen Kunden die Möglichkeit anbieten, Co-Investments in die von der Bank originierten und strukturierten Transaktionen darzustellen.
Bevor Oliver Bartholomäus in 2001 zur NORD/LB gekommen ist, war er 10 Jahre bei der Deutschen Bank im Kreditgeschäft tätig. Während seiner Zeit bei der NORD/LB hat er den Bereich Financial Solutions aufgebaut und etabliert und war unter anderem Geschäftsleiter einer Tochtergesellschaft in der Schweiz.
Matthias Korn
Managing Director
Caplantic GmbH
Matthias is in charge of the Financial Solutions division of Caplantic GmbH, Hannover (Germany). A mayor business field is structuring, placement and modelling of securitisation transactions for capital relief purposes. Additionally Caplantic runs if needed the complete project within the bank itself. Matthias started his career in banking in 1995. Before joining Caplantic Matthias had several positions in banks both on the capital market and risk side with NORD/LB, DekaBank, Allianz and Dresdner Bank.

Company profile

Caplantic is a Finance-Boutique specializing in intermediary services between originators and investors. As such, we have developed extensive experience in developing bespoke capital market solutions. Since 2012, we have been active in the structuring, advising and servicing of transactions targeting the optimization of financial institutions’ RWA. By leveraging our longstanding experience, we have managed to execute various large-scale balance sheet securitizations that introduced both customized structural features, as well as diverse asset classes, to the European market.

Our core competencies on the Portfolio Management side relate to products and services in the field of alternative assets. In addition to direct and indirect investment products, we offer highly specialized and individually tailored services that enable institutional investors to enter the complex subject of alternative investment concepts without necessarily having to build up extensive structures on their own.

Caplantic holds a BaFin license according to § 32 KWG (German Banking Act) which allows us to provide investment brokerage, investment advisory and financial portfolio management. Beyond that, our service lines, such as valuation, rating and advisory can provide a wide range of related services.