TSI Training

07.-08. September 2022

TSI Training

Intensivseminar Auto ABS und RMBS – True Sale nach der neuen Verbriefungsverordnung mit Case Study

The event
7. September 2022
8. September 2022

True Sale International GmbH
Mainzer Landstraße 61
60329 Frankfurt

1.190 EUR für TSI Partner
1.495 EUR für Nichtpartner

Der deutsche Verbriefungsmarkt war immer ein Musterbeispiel für einfache, transparente und standardisierte ABS-Transaktionen, die sich in Performance und Qualität von ihren Ursprüngen über die Finanzkrise hinweg bis heute gut bewährt haben.

Unsere umfassenden und regelmäßigen ABS-Trainings haben in den letzten zehn Jahren dazu beigetragen, dass sich bei allen beteiligten Parteien ein einheitliches Qualitätsverständnis herausbildet, was unter den neuen Verbriefungsregeln noch an Bedeutung gewinnt.

Mit unserem zweitägigen Intensivseminar in die Verbriefungswelt bekommen Sie einen hervorragenden Zugang zu den relevanten Themen aus rechtlicher, bilanzieller, regulatorischer, wirtschaftlicher und praktischer sowie kreditprozessbezogener Sicht.

Im Einzelnen geht es um folgende Themenschwerpunkte:
  • Überblick über eine konkrete, aktuelle Verbriefungstransaktion
  • Worauf kommt es beim Kreditprozess an, was verlangt die STS-Regulierung
  • Rechtliche Fragen – Abtretung, Insolvenzabschirmung, steuerliche Fragen und wo kommt
  • dabei STS ins Spiel
  • EZB-Zulassung im Überblick
  • Regulatorische Rahmenbedingungen nach der neuen Verbriefungsregulierung
  • Bilanzierungsfragen
  • Arbeit der Ratingagenturen
  • Cash Flow Modellierung und Transaktionsbewertung
  • Wohnhypothekenverbriefung (RMBS)
  • Die Investorensicht

Die Themenschwerpunkte werden ausgehend von einer VW-Transaktion behandelt.


Mittwoch, 07.09.2022

8.45 – 9.00 Uhr


9.00 – 9.45 Uhr

Begrüßung durch die TSI, Vorstellungsrunde und Überblick
Jan-Peter Hülbert

9.45 – 10.45 Uhr

Rechtliche Themen – Abtretung, Insolvenzabschirmung, steuerliche Fragen
Sandra Wittinghofer, Baker McKenzie 

  • Rechtliche Anforderungen an True Sale Strukturen
  • Steuerliche Fragen
10.45 – 11.05 Uhr


11.05 – 12.05 Uhr

Überblick über eine konkrete Verbriefungstransaktion aus dem Bereich Auto-ABS
Uli Maute, BMW 

  • Underlying, Kreditvergabe und -bearbeitung
  • Portfolioauswahl
  • Transaktionstruktur
  • Projektablauf
  • Reporting
  • Was ist unter STS zu beachten
  • Vermarktung
12.00 – 12.15 Uhr


12.15 – 13.15 Uhr

Aufsichtsrechtliche Aspekte bei Verbriefungen – ein Überblick
Dr. Oliver Kronat, Clifford Chance

  • Die Verbriefungsverordnung als zentrales Regelungswerk  
    - Anwendungsbereich, Definitionen und beteiligte Parteien 
    - Risikoselbstbehalt und Sorgfaltspflichten 
    - Transparenzanforderungen 
    - STS-Verbriefungen
  • Anerkennung von Verbriefungen im Rahmen der Liquidity Coverage Ratio
  • Grundlagen des wirksamen Risikotransfers
  • Die CRR-Eigenkapitalansätze für Investoren und andere Transaktionsbeteiligte
13.15 – 14.45 Uhr


14.45 – 15.45 Uhr

Überblick über die Strukturierung und Cash Flow Modellierungen am Beispiel einer konkreten Autoverbriefung
Tom Oelrich, DZ BANK

  • Ziel und Anwendungsgebiete
  • Bedeeutung des Cash-Flows Modells in der STS-Regulierung
  • Analyse-Ebenen bei ABS Transaktionen – Poolebene und Anleiheebene
  • Bedeutung von prepayments, defaults, delinquencies, granularity etc. für die Cash Flow-Modellierung
  • Modellierungsbeispiel
15.45 – 16.45 Uhr

European DataWarehouse
Dr. Christian Thun, European DataWarehouse

  • Offenlegungspflichten nach Art. 7 SecReg
  • EDW - vom Data Repository  zum Securitisation Repository
  • Aktuelle Diskussion um weitere Offenlegung
  • Vorteile von Daten im aktuellen Marktumfeld
16.45 – 17.05 Uhr


17.05 – 17.55 Uhr

Überblick Drittpartei-Verifizierung von STS-Transaktionen
Marco Pause, STS Verification International

  • Regulatorische Grundlagen
  • Verifizierungsprozess
  • Praxiserfahrungen
17.55 – 18.30 Uhr


Donnerstag, 08.09.2022

9.00 – 10.00 Uhr

Eurosystem und Verbriefungen
Jonas Böhmer, Deutsche Bundesbank

  • Sicherheitenrahmen des Eurosystems
  • Eligibility Kriterien für ABS
  • Transparenzanforderungen des Eurosystems
  • Haircut und Bewertungsfragen
  • Aktuelle Geldpolitische Beschlüsse (inkl. Ankaufprogramme)
10.00 – 10.20 Uhr


10.20 – 11.20 Uhr

Übersicht über die Wohnhypothekenverbriefung (RMBS)
Kevin Kroke, ING 

  • RMBS aus der Sicht des Originators (Fallstudie Orange Lion)
  • Strukturierung und Platzierung von RMBS aus Arrangeursicht (Fallstudie EDML)
  • Besonderheiten von RMBS und Unterschiede zu Auto ABS
11.20 – 11.30 Uhr


11.30 – 12.30 Uhr

Bilanzierungsfragen beim Originator und Investor
Tino Gallert, KPMG

  • Grundlagen des Bilanzabgangs
  • Konsolidierung, Bewertung
12.30 – 14.00 Uhr


14.00 – 15.00 Uhr

Ratingfragen – exemplarisch erläutert an einer Autotransaktion
Johann Grieneisen, Moodys
Michal Kühnel, Moodys

  • Rating-Methodik
  • Transaktionsüberwachung und Ratingentwicklung
  • Konkrete Ratingfragen bei vorliegender Transaktion
15.00 – 16.00 Uhr

Marktentwicklung Autoverbriefungen
Dr. Benjamin Mohr, Creditreform Rating

  • Marktüberblick
  • Transaktionsentwicklung, Transaktionstypen
  • Originatoren
  • Ausblick
16.00 – 16.20 Uhr


16.20 – 17.20 Uhr

ABS aus Investorensicht: Was brauchen Investoren zur Bewertung
Bernhard Zahel, DWS Investment

  • Analyse von Offering Circulars, Ratingreports, Deal Review
  • Risikocluster, Identifikation der Risikotreiber
  • Mehrdimensionale Due Diligence, Fundamentalanalyse
  • Transparenzanforderungen und Reportingstandards
  • Relevanz zusätzlicher Informationsgewinnung, Due Diligence
  • Angewandte Risikomanagementinstrumente und -strategien
  • Bewertungs- und Prognoserisiken bei der Modellierung
  • Wo kommt für den Investor STS ins Spiel
17.20 – 17.30 Uhr

Kurzes Resümee und Schlusswort der TSI Geschäftsführung
Jan-Peter Hülbert

Jonas Böhmer
, Märkte
Deutsche Bundesbank
Jonas Böhmer, CFA, has been working in the division for Strategic Issues in the Bundesbank’s Directorate General Markets since 2018. This involves implementing the collateral framework and the asset-backed securities purchase programme (ABSPP). Prior to this, he had already worked for several years at the Bundesbank’s Risk Control division.
After completing his studies in Bonn as a graduate in economics, he initially worked in product and sales management at NRW.BANK. He then moved to the field of risk control at Santander Consumer Bank AG, where he was responsible, among other things, for monitoring car loan and consumer loan securitisation in the market risk department. He has been a CFA charterholder since 2016.
Tino Gallert
Authorized signatory, auditor, Audit Financial Services
Tino Gallert is a German Public Auditor and works in the Financial Services department of KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft in Frankfurt/Main. As a Senior Manager he provides assurance services as well as accounting related consulting services in the structured finance area (esp. factoring, ABS-transactions, supply chain finance and leasing). He is very experienced in the audit of statutory and group financial statements under German GAAP and IFRS of banks, leasing and factoring companies, commercial clients as well as real estate companies. Tino Gallert studied business administration at the University of Bayreuth and is an author of various accounting related publications.
Johann Grieneisen
Vice President / Senior Analyst, Structure Finance Group,
Moody's Deutschland GmbH
Johann is a Vice President – Senior Analyst in the structured finance group of Moody’s in Frankfurt rating ABS consumer transactions. He has been working at Moody’s for 5 years including 4 years in the Sao Paulo office where he was responsible for primary and surveillance of the entire range of SF transactions originated out of Brazil and the Americas.
Prior to joining Moody’s, Johann worked 9 years at Deutsche Bank in a variety of roles, including 4 years as an ABS Banker in the securitized products division in London with a focus on non-standard asset classes including insurance linked securitizations, student loans and nonperforming loans.
Prior to joining securitized products division, he worked 5 years in the groups credit risk management department covering western European financial institutions, corporates, as well as risk managing the European ABCP conduits sponsored by Deutsche. He also was responsible for risk managing structured finance transactions originated out of Asia, and held short secondment roles in Australia and Singapore.
Johann holds a BS in Electrical Engineering from a Brazilian Federal University as well as a Master of Science in Management from Purdue University. He is a CFA Charterholder.
Jan-Peter Hülbert
Managing Director,
True Sale International GmbH
Jan-Peter Hülbert has been Managing Director of True Sale International GmbH since July 2018. He brings over 20 years of experience in the banking and capital markets business, including 16 years in securitisation on the banking side. Jan-Peter has been responsible for client transactions for banks, corporates and leasing companies in the public ABS, private securitisation and ABCP segments. He holds a degree in business administration from LMU Munich and is a member of the Supervisory Board of STS Verification International GmbH and of the Supervisory Board of European DataWarehouse GmbH.
Kevin Kroke
Director, Asset Securitisation, Asset Securitisation
ING Bank
Kevin Kroke is Director in the Frankfurt office of ING’s Asset Securitisation team. He joined ING in 2021, focusing on the origination and structuring of asset-backed financing as well as balance sheet management solutions. Prior to ING, Kevin was 13 years with Deutsche Bank where he held roles in Treasury Markets & Investments, Risk- & Portfolio Management and Commercial Lending, including the structuring of securitisation and covered bonds transactions. He holds a Master’s degree in Finance from Goethe University where he focused on Financial Technology.
Dr Oliver Kronat
Partner, Global Financial Markets
Clifford Chance Partnerschaft mit beschränkter Berufshaftung
Dr Oliver Kronat is Partner in the Frankfurt office of Clifford Chance. Oliver specialises in advising on German and international structured finance transactions. His experience includes the securitisation of trade, consumer, leasing and loan receivables and the establishment of ABCP Conduit Programmes. as well as Fintech, Speciality Finance and Fund-Linked Note transactions. He also advises on the restructuring of securitisation and other structured finance transactions as well as on securitisations by insolvent companies.
Michal Kühnel
Assistant Vice President, Structure Finance Group,
Michal Kühnel ist ein AVP-Analyst im Structured Finance Bereich bei Moody’s, mit Sitz in Frankfurt am Main. Seit 2015 beschäftigt er sich mit der Kreditanalyse der Europäischen ABS und RMBS Transaktionen, wobei er über die Jahre Erfahrungen sowohl in Primary als auch in Surveillance Teams gesammelt hat.

Vor Moody’s arbeitete Michal bei der Europäischen Zentralbank, wo er für die Bewertung von ABS und RMBS Tranchen im Rahmen des ABS Purchase Programms zuständig war.

Michal verfügt über einen Bachelorabschluss der Karlsuniversität in Prag in der Volkswirtschaftslehre und einen Masterabschluss der Frankfurter Goethe Universität in Finanzen.
Uli Maute
, Structured Finance
BMW Group
Uli Maute joined BMW Group’s Structured Finance team in 2016 with a focus on arranging, structuring and executing auto ABS transactions across the globe. Uli moved to BMW from Lloyds Bank, where he was Director at the bank’s Securitised Products Group, responsible for originating, structuring and distributing term auto ABS and credit cards transactions for UK and continental European clients. Prior to that, he was Senior Director at Fitch Ratings in Frankfurt and London, at last heading Fitch’s London-based EMEA Consumer ABS rating team.
Dr Benjamin Mohr
Member of the board,
Creditreform Rating AG
Benjamin Mohr is a member of the executive board of Creditreform Rating AG. He is responsible for Business Development and Relationship Management, as well as the newly established division of ESG Ratings. Previously, Dr. Mohr held positions at American Express and various roles within the Creditreform Group, most recently as Head of Public Finance and Economic Research at Creditreform Rating. Holding a diploma in economics, he studied at the University of Frankfurt and earned a doctoral degree in economics from FernUniversität in Hagen. During his tenure as a research assistant, he authored several academic articles and a book on institutional arrangements in banking regulation to ensure financial stability.
Tom Oelrich
Senior Structurer, ABS Term Transactions
Tom Oelrich has been working for DZ BANK AG in Frankfurt am Main in the securitisation department since 2003. As a senior structurer, he has been advising DZ BANK’s clients in all aspects relating to term-ABS capital market transactions since 2015 with a focus on auto-ABS, consumer and SME loans as well as leasing transactions. Previously, Mr. Oelrich arranged ABCP transactions for corporate clients of DZ BANK.
Since entering into the securitisation business, he has structured a large number of customer transactions and has successfully accompanied numerous transactions as placement agent and swap counterparty. Mr. Oelrich has graduated from Frankfurt School of Finance & Management and holds a degree in Business Administration.
Marco Pause
STS Verification International GmbH
Marco Pause has been a Director of STS Verification International GmbH since December 2019. He joined the STS Verification International GmbH in September 2019 as an Associate Director. Mr. Pause has many years of securitisation experience which he gained at the auditing company Deloitte in the Credit & Securitisation Advisory Team in Düsseldorf since 2005.
In his position as Senior Manager he was primarily responsible for the execution of numerous due diligences at German automotive and consumer banks as well as banks with mortgage portfolios in the context of securitisation and portfolio transactions. In the context of a multi-year project Mr. Pause directed the organisation and implementation of the project management of a state guarantee for a German Landesbank in connection with credit and solvency checks of individual exposures in the Shipping, Corporate Clients and Aviation segments.
Mr. Pause holds a degree in Business Administration from the Georg-August-University in Göttingen.
Dr Christian Thun
Chief Executive Officer (CEO),
European DataWarehouse GmbH
Dr Christian Thun is the Chief Executive Officer of European DataWarehouse (EDW), Europe’s first securitisation repository. He joined EDW in 2016 from Moody’s Analytics where he worked for 14 years in Dublin, London and Frankfurt in various senior positions, most recently as senior director with inter alia responsibility for the DACH region. In the early stage of his career, Mr. Thun was a team leader at the risk consulting firm Baetge & Partner (an OliverWyman affiliate) and also worked as a credit analyst in the structured finance division for Dresdner Bank in Frankfurt and London.
Sandra Wittinghofer
Partner, Banking & Finance
Baker McKenzie Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH von Rechtsanwälten und Steuerberatern
Sandra Wittinghofer advises national and international banks and corporations in matters of finance and regulatory law. Her focus on structured finance and related banking regulatory matters covers work for arrangers, sponsors, originators, trustees and rating agencies. She has extensive experience in ABCP securitization transactions as well in term transactions, covering a wide range of asset classes. Since June 2019, she has been listed under "Best Lawyers" for Banking and Finance and Banking Regulatory law by Handelsblatt and is also ranked in Chambers Europe 2023 for Capital Markets - Structured Finance.
Bernhard Zahel
Director, Portfolio Management Fixed Income EMEA
DWS Investment GmbH
Bernhard Zahel is a Senior Portfolio Manager with DWS Investment GmbH in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. He is focusing on investments into structured products like Asset Backed Securities as well as illiquid investments such as loans guaranteed by export credit agencies. In addition to the management of portfolios his role includes the coverage of certain markets in the respective sectors.
In 2014 and 2015 he was responsible within Deutsche Asset Management for the advisory of the European Central Bank within the ABS Purchase program.
After graduating with a masters degree in economics (Diplom Volkswirt) at University of Bonn, Bernhard started his career in 2001 as a workout analyst for corporate clients with Deutsche Bank AG. From there he joined DWS Investments GmbH in 2004 to become a portfolio manager where he stayed with different responsibilities in various asset classes until today.


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Stella Dubielzig

Leitung Veranstaltungsmanagement