TSI Youngsters hosted by S&P Global Ratings

05 September 2024

TSI Youngsters hosted by S&P Global Ratings

Die Veranstaltung
5. September 2024

S&P Global Ratings
Bockenheimer Landstraße 2
60306 Frankfurt am Main

Die Veranstaltung ist für alle TSI-Partner und Gäste von S&P Global Ratings kostenlos.

TSI Youngsters is intended to establish itself as an exciting and recurring series of events for young and aspiring talents in the securitisation market. 
This exclusive after-work event is the perfect way to unwind and wrap up the day in style.

Each event will start with a keynote speech or expert knowledge by a renowned industry expert, who will provide insights into current market developments and trends.
The main goal of TSI Youngsters is to engage and empower the next generation of talents and emerging professionals in the securitisation network by providing them with free networking opportunities.
Our event series offers a platform where junior professionals can make valuable connections, get to know the network and its key players, and actively shape the future of the securitisation industry.

Target Group: 
The target audience of TSI Youngsters includes young talents from all stakeholders in the securitisation market. We specifically invite participants from the TSI partner network, including rating agencies, law firms, banks, service providers and other relevant players. Additionally, we extend invitations to the networks of our partners.

Our invitations are crafted to appeal particularly to the younger generation, although no age group is excluded. We firmly believe that the exchange between emerging talents and experienced professionals is valuable for everyone involved. Therefore, we create an environment where participants have the opportunity to interact with each other as well as with established experts.


15.30 – 16.00


16.00 – 18.00

S&P Criteria Training - The analysis of a typical ABS transaction
Roberto Amato & Matthew Aitken & Sebastian Mauersberger, EMEA ABS – RMBS

  • Overview of the ratings process
  • Credit quality of the securitized assets
  • Payment structure and cash flow mechanics
  • Operational and administrative risk
  • Legal and regulatory risk
  • Counterparty risk
  • Q&A
18.00 – 22.00

Get Together with snacks & drinks 

Matthew Aitken
Director, Relationship Manager - Market Outreach,
S&P Global Ratings Europe Limited
He is a Lead Analyst for the German ABS market. Since joining S&P Global Ratings in 2022, he has been involved in Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities, secured and unsecured ABS and Asset Backed Commercial Paper. Matthew has over 10 years of experience in Structured Finance and his past employers include Fitch Ratings, European DataWarehouse and Liberty Financial. Matthew holds a Bachelor of Commerce, with a major in Finance and Financial Planning from Deakin University, Australia.
Roberto Amato
Associate Director, Structured Finance
S&P Global Ratings Europe Limited
Roberto Amato ist Associate Director im Bereich Structured Finance, EMEA, mit Sitz in Frankfurt. Nach seiner Tätigkeit bei European DataWarehouse und Helaba, wechselte er 2019 zu S&P Global Ratings. Er hat Erfahrung mit einem breiten Spektrum von Anlageklassen: besicherte und unbesicherte ABS, ABCP und RMBS. Roberto hat einen BSc in Wirtschaftswissenschaften von der Universität Bergamo, Italien, und einen MSc in International Economics von der Universität Tübingen, Deutschland.
Sebastian Mauersberger
Senior Analyst, Structured Finance: ABS/RMBS
S&P Global Ratings Europe Limited
Tobias Mock
Managing Director, Global Ratings Services Leadership Team
S&P Global Ratings Europe Limited
Tobias Mock ist Managing Director und Country Manager Germany bei S&P Global in Frankfurt. Darüber hinaus ist er der Sector Lead für Corporate Ratings in der DACH Region. Tobias arbeitet seit 2005 für das Unternehmen.
Zuvor arbeitete er als Global Business Leader an einem mehrjährigen Projekt, das sich mit der digitalen Transformation der Ratingsanalyse beschäftigt hat und war als Lead Analytical Manager für das Analyseteam Light Industries in EMEA verantwortlich. Dieses umfasste die Sektoren: Telekommunikation, High-Tech, Medien, Einzelhandel, Freizeit, Konsumgüter, Dienstleistung, Real Estate, Pharma und das Gesundheitswesen. Außerdem war als Teamleiter für die Ratinganalyse der Sektoren: Automobil, Investitionsgüter und Luftfahrt in Europa zuständig.
Seine Karriere begann Tobias Mock unter anderem als Aktien- und Fixed-Income-Analyst bei der Hypo-Vereinsbank und der Royal Bank of Scotland im Firmenkundengeschäft.
Herr Mock hält einen Abschluss als Diplom-Kaufmann von der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in München. Er ist außerdem Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) und Certified European Financial Analyst (CEFA).



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Stella Dubielzig

Leitung Veranstaltungsmanagement